Couldn't ask for better
What a whirlwind of a experience. I came to Arsenal to look at & possibly purchase a helmet for my upcoming MSF course plus do the Jumpstart. I decided once in the store to get pre-approved since I knew I would want a bike after the course. Couldn't decide between a two wheel or what the long term goal of a trike. Joe helped me with the Jumpstart and was informative about what to expect in the course. Plus, we started talking about the what if's after the course. I asked him questions and all, that is when we started looking at the Tri Glides. I called my wife to come up and before you know it, we were wanting to get one. Joe did not do any type of hard sell which is great. Honestly we couldn't ask for a better person to guide us through this adventure than Joe. He made us feel like we have known him for a long time and is extremely easy to talk too. It was time to look at helmets and I went to another store before coming to Arsenal. They had me try on helmets and all but just asked how it felt on my head. Nonetheless, Rosezella helped me with looking at the helmets they had there. I told her what I was looking for but unfortunately they didn't have exactly what I was hoping for. But she had me try on a couple helmets and the she had me sold. Why, because she actually walked me through on what a good fit meant and made sure the helmet I ended up with actually fit correctly. Because Rosezella took the time to actually fit me for a helmet. That is only reason I ended up purchasing a helmet from Arsenal, all because of Rosezella. I will tell you this was a long day for my wife and I, as we went from one area to another. It was a Saturday and this started at 11:15am and didn't end till around 6:30pm. In addition, financing a bike through a Credit Union on the weekend, it takes longer than going through Harley Davidson financing. We went to the service department and that is where we met Brandi. She explained everything to us and even wrote things down for us. She is just as friendly as Joe is and so easy to talk too. She understood that we are getting a lot of information all at once, especially for first time bike purchasers. Brandi took her time explaining everything and answering our questions. But, I could tell she saw it on our faces how overwhelmed and tired we were getting. She was very patient with us. Back to Joe we went and he was constantly asking if we needed anything to drink and even though we said no, he got us some water and he knew we needed it. We downed those bottles of water not realizing that we actually really wanted them. He took us up to financing and we all know the dreaded feeling of seeing the finance people. As I stated before, it was a long day that we did not expect to be there as long as we were and I can tell you we felt it was a long day for Kim as well. Kim was our finance person and it was a busy day for her. Especially when she had printer problems trying to get our contract done. Even as exhausted as we were, we felt for Kim. Kim went through everything line by line and was patient with us when we asked questions. She is very friendly and made us feel comfortable. She did not try to hard sell us on the other programs they had to offer. Kim made sure we got the deal we wanted and actually did better than I thought we would get. Joe was still there after closing waiting till we were done and walked us out after that long day. Not only was this group extremely knowledgeable, they all were patient, forth right answering our questions and made my wife and I feel at ease after it was said and done. You couldn't ask for a better group of people than the one's we had the pleasure of meeting. Thank you again Joe, Rosezella, Brandi & Kim and sorry we made it a long day for everyone. (Employee: Joe Tasse, Rosezella L., Kim M., Brandi F.)
Robert Doll
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